Leon J. DeLisle - Founder and President of An Airman’s Story
“The source of vision is inspiration. The source of inspiration is passion. The source of passion is purpose!”
- Unknown
Leon J. DeLisle was born in Ross, California, September 10. 1950. He is the son of Leon A. DeLisle and Ann DeLisle. He was educated at San Rafael High School, College of Marin County, California. He was an outstanding athlete in football, basketball, and wrestling. Mr. DeLisle’s passionate interests are in promoting enthusiasm for American history and aviation. As a military historian DeLisle has created aviation exhibitions that were highly acclaimed all over the USA. DeLisle has a wealth of “hands on” experience in large scale event productions. He created “Wings of Friendship” international friendship festival in Japan, which created the ripples of goodwill between former WWII combatants.
DeLisle has worked very closely at sensitive levels within the U.S. government. He has interfaced with foreign governments in the Orient and Europe. He has correspondence dating back several decades. This has provided a platform for DeLisle to have known personally and worked with over a hundred veterans organizations from the U.S. and worldwide. DeLisle was directly involved with the planning of the veteran commemorations in Hawaii, the 50th Anniversary of World War II 1941-1945 / 1991-1995. Mr. DeLisle’s current work in progress is epic in scope, powerful yet very sensitive and compelling. He is chronicling on film the personal accounts of veterans who were pilots or crews, who served so valiantly in our nation’s history. The medium of film presents to the viewers the opportunity to share the real stories of these courageous men & women, as they recall their early dreams of flight...their raw emotions, their sense of pride, honor and patriotism. “The tears flows truly is an honor for me, as I travel on this journey with these great people.” Mr. DeLisle passionately states; “This body of work is my gift to humanity for all freedom loving people.”
“When once you have tasted flight you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.”
- Leonardo Da Vinci